DS-Max, Smart Circle International, Innovage, Granton Marketing, Cydcor, Credico, Appco Group, Appco Group Asia, Optimo International, Credico SA, Credico UK, Credico Australia, PerDM, Cobra Group of Companies, Larry Tenebaum, Michael Meryash, Gary Polson, Vera Quinn, Jim Majeski, Avie Roth, Murray Reinhart, Antoine Nohra, Jesse young, Chris Niarchos, John Rankins, Socio Max, Newport Beach, Agoura Hills, San Diego, Judge Jay Bloom, Larry Tenebaum, Avie Roth, Murray Reinhart, Michael Meryash, Gary Polson, Vera Quinn, Jim Majeski, Antoine Nohra, Jesse Young, Chris Niarchos, John Rankins, Tifereth Israel Synagogue, Ohr Shalom Synagogue, Congregation Beth Israel, Beth Jacob Congregation, Young Israel of San Diego, Chabad Jewish Center Carmel Valley-Del Mar, Kehilat Ariel Messianic, Mikvah Israel, Congregation Beth Am, Congregation Beth El, Ner Tamid Synagogue, Temple Adat Shalom, Temple Beth Shalom, Congregation ADAT Yeshurun, Jewish Collaborative of San Diego, Temple Solel, Temple Emanu-El, Chabad House, Congregation B'nai Tikvah, Congregation Beth Am, Jewish Federation of San Diego County, Ken Jewish Community, Young Jewish Professionals of San Diego, San Diego Jewish Men's Choir, Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center, Chabad of Pacific Beach, Temple Adat Shalom, Chabad of Downtown S. Diego, Chabad of San Diego, San Diego Superior Court, San Diego District Attorney's office, Bonnie Dumanis, Summer Stephan, 4TH AND B, ALONZO HORTON, BALBOA THEATRE, BARRIO LOGAN, CABRILLO BRIDGE, CALIFORNIA TOWER, CARLSBAD, CARMEL VALLEY, CASA DEL PRADO THEATRE , CIVIC CORE, COLUMBIA, CONVENTION CENTER, COPLEY SYMPHONY HALL, CORANADO, CORTEZ, DEL MAR, EAST VILLAGE, EMBARCADERO, ENCINITAS, ESCONDIDO, FASION VALLEY, FLEET SCIENCE CENTER, HORTON PLAZA, JUAN RODRIGUEZ CABRILLO, LA JOLLA, LITTLE ITALY, San Diego Metropolitan Transit System, David Alvarez, David Arambula, Myrtle Cole,Lorie Bragg, Jim Cunningham, Mike Diaz, Kevin Faulconer, Bob McClellan, Georgette Gomez, Ronn Hall, Guy McWhirter, Mona Rios, Ron Roberts, Mary Casillas Salas, Bill Sandke, Austin Marshall, Universal Protection Service, MARINA, MARITIME MUSEUM OF SAN DIEGO, MINGEI INTERNATIONAL MUSEUM, MISSION BAY, MISSION BEACH, MISSION HILLS, MISSION VALLEY, MOONLIGHT BEACH, MUSEUM OF PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTS, OCEAN BEACH, OCEANSIDE, OLD TOWN, PETCO PARK, POINT LOMA, PORT OF SAN DIEGO, SAN DIEGO AIR & SPACE MUSEUM, SAN DIEGO AUTOMOTIVE MUSEUM, SAN DIEGO CENTRAL LIBRARY, SAN DIEGO CITY HALL, SAN DIEGO CIVIC THEATRE, SAN DIEGO MUSEUM OF ART, SAN DIEGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM, SAN DIEGO PADRES, SAN DIEGO POLICE DEPARTMENT, SAN DIEGO SHERIFF, SAN DIEGO SYMPHONY, SAN DIEGO UNION TRIBUNE, SAN DIEGO ZOO, SAN MARCOS, SCRIPPS, SILVER STRAND, SOLANA BEACH, SPRECKELS, SPRECKLES ORGAN PAVILION, STAR OF INDIA, U S GRANT HOTEL, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO, USS MIDWAY MUSEUM, VILLA MONTEZUMA, WYATT EARP, BALBOA PARK

Devil Corp’s Dirty Little Secrets

If you’re reading this, you’re probably aware of the abundance of negative reports available online.  People in their thousands have taken the time to warn their fellow man about the horrendous working conditions and lack of monetary reward regardless of whether or not you can sell.

Like a vampire from a B-grade film, this company has sucked blood from millions all so the few at the top of the pyramid can live in their mansions and fill their stomachs with caviar.  It’s a regular Nosferatu trawling the Internet and hoping to abscond with your children. 

Smart Circle

Although the great majority of reports are accurate, they don’t tell the full story.  Most reports come from ex-employees who’ve spent a very short time with Devil Corp and are unaware of the true evil that lurks behind their thin veneer of decency.  No strong-willed individual would ever put up with their bullshit and will usually leave well before they find out about the demonic despotism that best describes this boorish business.

It’s no secret that the vast majority of “owners” are uncouth criminals who prey on desperate job seekers.  Unfortunately, their regional managers and national consultants (VPs) are much worse.  Like the Mafia, a foot soldier in the Devil Corp crime family doesn’t get to be the boss till he’s stepped on the throats of the innocent.

Credico Antoine Nohra

The inner circle of this uncultured cult prides its self on being ruthless, conniving, and cold-hearted.  They’re always on the lookout for the weak of will in order to first steal from them then mold them into despicable parasites who’ll do the same to others.  They are repugnant and what they’re doing is unconscionable and indefensible. 

Below are some of the tricks used by Devil Corp to corral the masses.


Devil Corp starts its relationship with employees by lying in order to ensnare them in an interview.  They promise positions in marketing, advertising, and management knowing full well these jobs do not exist.  Why not?  They deliberately search for the weak so why not start with outright lies to separate the wheat from the chaff?

Their subsidiaries use similar and often identical advertisements to lure unsuspecting job hunters.  If you start looking at job boards, you’ll see the same advertisements being posted all over the country.  This is quite the coincidence considering that their affiliates are independent entities.

Innovage Roth


Knowing all too well their organization is terrible, Devil Corp needs to post positive comments about themselves online.  This is necessary because nobody would ever write anything complimentary about their business.

All you have to do is go to career or complaint websites to see what I’m referring to.  You’ll find that most honest posts are rated one star with in-depth accounts of every facet of their scam.  People have written pages and pages warning the world about what Devil Corp will do to them.  You will then find some positive reviews which are vague and hardly ever mention the true nature of the position.  They do this in order to improve their ratings.  

They also post rebuttals on Ripoff Report and get their secretaries to flag Craigslist postings warning job seekers of the miserable position they’ll be applying for.

Appco Group Niarchos


The fact that Devil Corp steals from its reps is not in dispute.  Even if they didn’t rip their people off, they’d still be stealing because it’s their reps who do the work while the powers that be profit the most.

Although most employees will be with the company for a very short time and not care about getting their last paycheck as they run towards the door, those who remain will be controlled with their own money.  Devil Corp will control the herd by holding its pay back for three weeks.  Anyone who’s spent time with this wretched business knows that reps who quit seldom get their last checks.  This is just another tool used to keep people coming back seeing as no one wants to lose the money they’ve already earned.

Owners are controlled in much the same way.  In order to be promoted to ownership, slaves must give this shabby institution power of attorney over their bank accounts.  Once owners start to ask questions, they’ll be denied access to their cash.  Who in their right mind would give power of attorney over their own bank account?

Appco Group


Like any other cult, conformity is required in order to be accepted by the group.  It starts on your first day where you’ll be made to learn the Devil Corp systems and taught to sell in a very specific and shady style.  Once in the field, you’ll be monitored by so called ‘secret shoppers’ who’ll listen to your pitch and report back to senior cult members detailing any deviation from their procedure.

Everything you say about the company will be listened to and made note of.  If you have an issue with spending your free time with the cult, you’ll be branded as someone who doesn’t see the big picture and talked about behind your back.  If you don’t answer your phone at night when cult members call to ‘network’, you’ll be seen as someone who doesn’t put in the effort and therefore not worthy of the opportunity.

You are to do as you’re told and never question the business model which works out nicely for them because if you’re in an unquestioning mindset, you won’t question the crummy paychecks and continue to slave away until the day finally comes when you wake up and search for greener pastures.

Once you’ve bowed down and devoted your entire life to this touched up carnival of deception and scumbaggery, you may end up being commended on your dedication but they’re just blowing smoke like the smoke coming off Saddam Hussein’s cigar in this lovely picture.

Cobra Group of Companies, Credico, Appco Group, Granton Marketing, Smart Circle International, Cydcor, Innovage, DS-Max


Keeping in mind that reps generate all revenue, Devil Corp regularly demeans and berates the stars who make the most sales.  These people will be put on a pedestal during the morning meeting giving all who work in the office something to aspire to.  They then will be pulled aside and told they really aren’t that good.

Best in the office?  They’ll point to the best in the state.  Best in the state?  They’ll point to a rep in California who just happened to beat you last week.  Best in the nation?  No problem.  They will find a way to put you down because why should someone so good be stuck with such a crummy job?  They don’t want you to know how good you are because you might wake up and realize you’re doing all the work.

The abhorrent clan overseeing this crude shakedown doesn’t generate revenue and its members are nothing more than useless eaters.  Some take home millions of dollars every year by sitting on their behinds and telling tall tales.  They want you in a state of confusion and insecurity to keep you selling for as long as possible.  They believe putting you down will make you want to prove them wrong by writing more deals.  These are genuinely filthy people who’ll use every dirty trick in the book to get you to sell.

Credico SA


An ideal Devil Corp office would be one where reps only speak with the owner and not with each other.  No office is ideal so what an owner will do is determine which reps are intelligent and not 100% committed to the business, then make sure they never spend any time together.   

Most owners are aware of the company’s true nature and know that if like-minded reps are paired, the conversation will inevitably turn to the depraved and sadistic tactics employed by this monstrosity of an organization.    

Owners understand this is the worst job in the world run by the worst company in the universe and know that if the seed of doubt is planted, it will eventually take hold because all that would be required is for a rep to have a bad week or be ripped off and voilà, they’ll walk away like the millions who’ve walked before them.

Eventually, everyone wakes up and quits so separating free thinkers allows Devil Corp to delay the inevitable and make a few extra bucks along the way.

Smart Circle International, DS-Max, Appco Group, Cydcor, Credico, Socio Max, Larry Tenebaum, Avie Roth, Cobra Group of Companies


Just as reps are trained to manipulate customers, owners are trained to manipulate reps by identifying their “hot buttons”.  Hot buttons are the goals of individual reps and once recognized, will be used against them for the duration of their time in the business.

Devil Corp believes all goals fall into one of the following categories: Fortune, Freedom, Family, Fame, or Faith (the five F’s).  For example, if a rep loves his family and wants to spend time with them, he will be told to give everything to the company in order to enjoy time with his family in the future.  Fortune?  A rep who wants money will be told to suffer through the initial stages of the business in order to experience a lifetime of carefree living once financial freedom is attained.  Starting to see a pattern?  Whatever your dream, just “trust the system” and eventually it will come true. 

Needless to say, none of these promises will be delivered upon. Devil Corp is just aligning itself with the aspirations of its reps so it can take as much as possible before moving on to the next sacrificial lamb.

Cydcor Vera Quinn


It’s one of their oldest tricks and how some offices increase the day’s sales without spending a single cent.  If you’ve read this far, you know that dishonesty is this company’s modus operandi and shouldn’t be surprised by how they motivate their sales staff.

During the morning meeting, an owner will announce that there will be a sales competition for the day and the winner will receive x amount of dollars.  The desperate and hungry for money reps will rush to the field and give it their all in the hope of winning the prize, and with everyone trying to make as many sales as possible, the office benefits greatly because there’s usually noticeable increase in the day’s production.

If the winning rep is new and unaware of Devil Corp’s dishonorable strategy, he’ll go to work the next morning expecting to be paid only to have his ears filled with lies.  “Yes you’ll be paid but we have to wait for the sales to install” or “your prize money will be included in the check for this week” (a check which won’t be due for another three weeks and by that time the rep will usually be long gone).  If by some strange occurrence the competition winner still there in a month’s time, he’ll be blessed with even more lies like “oh, two of those sales cancelled so you didn’t actually win that competition after all”. 

Just keep lying through your teeth, get them to sell, and when they realize they’re being deceived and leave, give them nothing.  The corporate-culture of this ignoble sect can easily be compared to the mentality of a Third World dictator meandering through the countryside and laying waste to every village in his path.

Cydcor, DS-Max, Smart Circle International, Appco Group, Cobra Group of companies, Credico, Innovage, Optimo International


Although the System & Nomenclature post outlines some of the manipulative tactics used by Devil Corp to brainwash the gullible, it would be negligent not to write about the essence of their rotten trade.  Revenue is generated in the field so one might be forgiven for believing this to be a direct sales profession.  Nothing can be further from the truth.  This is a dream building business and those in the know refer to it as “the secret sauce”.

Nobody wants a career in direct sales so Devil Corp endeavors to constantly assault employees with mental trickery ensuring they concentrate on the future.  Ask reps and they’ll tell you they’re paying their dues in order to be promoted.  Ask owners and they’ll say they’re working towards being a regional or national.  The trick is to keep people thinking about the next step so their minds aren’t focused on the lousy job at hand.

The morning meeting, conference calls, personal calls, and team nights go a long way towards accomplishing this goal yet pale in significance when compared to their nefarious conventions.  A Devil Corp convention is where their most successful managers tell tales of overcoming adversity and going from rags to riches (lies).  You’ll hear from owner after owner urging you to stick with their dreadful business because money only comes to those who “don’t know how to quit”.

It’s incredible that something so artificial would work on so many people and they occur with such frequency that there’s always one just around the corner.  This is done by design.  Most reps can only handle a few months of direct sales before running like Carl Lewis and when you take into account the schemes utilized by this uncivilized undertaking, that time can easily be halved.  Having a regional or national convention every couple of months gives Devil Corp the opportunity to salvage as many reps as possible.

The subterfuge continues well after being promoted because owners have their own conferences and a yearly R&R (that’s where an owner holidays with other owners because heaven forbid you should spend any time away from their beastly vocation).

This distasteful company is all about taking over people’s lives with a view to squeezing every last drop before they wake up, see the light, and resign.   It’s a brutal cult where individuality is not tolerated and all are made to worship the organization and believe that no success can be achieved unless through Devil Corp.

Cydcor, Smart Circle International, Innovage, Credico, Appco Group, DS-Max


To emphasize that the group takes precedence over its individual members, Devil Corp habitually degrades and abases its sales force for poor performance.  It could be something as minor as a pie in the face all the way through to sexual misconduct.  The video footage coming out of their offices is incredible and questions the character of the individuals who control this inhumane circus.

Apparently, giving your entire life to these people for nothing in return is simply not enough and you should be made to experience plenty of indignity during your servitude.  It’s all about turning you into a mindless slave who’ll do what they want with no questions asked.

Appco Group Australia


In much the same way a rep is made to work in order to fund his owner’s escapades, Devil Corp gets owners to fund theirs.  They convince managers that promoting their top guys will end up putting more money in their pockets but it’s just more Devil Corp BS designed to get others to do the work.

Although owners are known for telling reps that promoting them is in their best interests, they’re only happy to promote when their pipeline is filled with others ready to take over.  Managers make much less from reps they advance and usually open new offices only to appease the powers that be who place an incredible amount of pressure on them.  It’s in the best interests of the parent company to have as many owners as possible because that means more bank accounts to control.  This business is about quantity, not quality.

What they’re doing is using their managers to expand their network. They cannibalize owners’ offices and send reps to rural locations where the possibility of finding genuine talent is nonexistent.  Is it any wonder why most “outside deals” fail sending many owners back on a “retrain”?  Meanwhile, the promoting owner just lost his best guys and is stuck having to start all over again.

DS-Max Murray Reinhart


Considering the amount of bad press they’ve accumulated, parent companies have found it wise to post online in order to drown out negative reviews and the mountain of frightful articles.  They flood the Internet with blogs, You Tube videos, Facebook pages, and in recent times, have raised the bar by issuing press releases to organizations like PR Newswire to ensure their digital footprint is not mired in filth.  They do this in order to dupe employees, potential recruits, and future clients.

Their tricky attempt at convincing the public of Devil Corp’s decency is similar to Pol Pot attempting to convince the masses of his respectability through this professional portrait.

Smart Circle International


If you’re ever feeling down or should I say “negged out”, try looking at websites created by Devil Corp’s street-level offices because the blatant use of horseshit prevalent in each and every site is guaranteed to put a smile on your face. 

Almost everyone is familiar with vague websites.  Sites that make you scratch your head because after arriving at their home page and spending five minutes analyzing the corporate-speak and stock photographs, you have no idea what they actually do.  Devil Corp relies on such sites to keep a steady stream of victims flowing into their offices.

They’re full of great lines like “W.X.Y.Z. corporation was created to acquire and retain customers in a personalized manner for all types of companies” or “L.M.N.O.P. company strives to be the perfect combination of entrepreneurial spirit, superb client service, and successful business professionals”.

These websites have quotes from well-known businessmen, motivational pictures, and sometimes include links to articles in the misguided hope they’ll appear as legitimate businesses.  They preach the gospel of success even though most of their owners are living hand to mouth and their sites are nothing more than nets used to trap human beings in order to run them through the horrific Devil Corp meat grinder. 

Optimo International Rankins


When I think back on my Devil Corp experience, memories of their conference calls seem to stand out the most.  The doublespeak that spews from their mouths is a work of art and would easily make them the Michelangelos of nonsense because their calls are the most Orwellian pieces of propaganda you’ll ever have the pleasure of listening to.  I tell you they’re pleasurable with a hint of sarcasm because once you know what they’re up to, you can’t help but marvel at the spectacle of brainwashed reps nodding their heads in agreement while waiting for the unavoidable cry of JUICE.

Although these calls warrant an entire article, I would like to focus on one recurring theme which is “money in the bank”.  When they mention money, it’s always about how much an owner has in the bank.  “This owner has $45k in the bank” or “that owner has 70”.  It’s almost as if they want you to believe having your money in the bank is the most praiseworthy accomplishment. 

Glorifying owners who keep their money in the bank makes perfect sense because so long as it’s in the bank, legally it belongs to Devil Corp.



For some, sales are hit-and-miss and in this appalling business, people are quitting all the time.  Occasionally, entire teams quit. What happens then?  Owners are responsible for their commercial lease, electricity, internet, office supplies, and hub fee (that’s where you pay Devil Corp to control your cash).  What happens when an owner loses his team and doesn’t have any money?  Devil Corp might offer to lend some because…

A.  Ponzi schemes usually don’t turn people away. 

B.  Do you have any idea how difficult it is to find owners willing to play their sick and twisted games?

They’ll put on a big show telling an owner he’s lucky to be with a company that’s willing to help, and in the future, will remind him of this magnanimous act.  It’s all just smoke and mirrors because what they’ve actually done is kept an office alive while ensuring its owner’s never-ending enslavement to the company.  Owing money to these people will be your very own sword of Damocles because it’s a loan, not a gift, and if you allow them, Devil Corp will always get their pound of flesh.

Smart Circle International Meryash


Although the aim is to take as much as possible from reps, constantly ripping people off will dishearten them and ensure they quit well before the business can suck them dry.  What an owner will do is occasionally steal a little less to give the rep just enough hope to keep coming back.  Devil Corp starts early with those who can sell and gives them a decent check in the first few weeks so they’ll believe there’s a genuine opportunity with this train wreck of a company.  After that, usually about once a month, they’ll be given a little more of their money in the hope they’ll be reinvigorated and make more sales to be stolen from.

Selling for this street gang is like being imprisoned in a Soviet forced labor camp during the coldest of Siberian winters while working your fingers to the bone for Stalin’s Gulag.

DS-Max, Credico, Granton Marketing, Smart Circle International, Cydcor, Innovage, Appco Group, Cobra Group of Companies, Optimo, Avie Roth, Chris Niarchos, Larry Tenebaum


It’s more work, after work, and best of all, it’s unpaid work.  Yes ladies and gentlemen, it’s just another opportunity for this soul sucking company to take people’s time and keep their minds focused on the job.

Maybe you meet someone at a convention and exchange numbers.  Maybe you spend some time at another office and befriend one of their reps, or maybe, someone in the business violates your privacy and gives out your number to a total stranger who starts calling and asking for advice.  Either way, you’ve now got yourself a new company friend who’ll from time to time pick up the phone and destroy whatever plans you had for your evening.

Networking is sold as a way to improve skills and get ahead in the company but in reality, it’s designed to occupy free time because the more time spent thinking about the business, the less chance there is of waking up and wandering off like the 99 plus percent of people who’ve started with Devil Corp. 

Credico Marketing, Credico, Smart Circle International, Cydcor, Appco Group, DS-MAX, Innovage,


Would you believe that of the millions who’ve walked, not a single soul ever quit?  Owners prefer not to mention those who leave but if pressed, will say they were fired then wheel out the company’s excuses.  It’s always the same old malarkey like “so and so had a bad attitude”, “couldn’t take it”, “couldn’t sell” and occasionally they’ll accuse the departed of participating in illegal activities.  If by chance an office knows certain reps quit, the owner will chastise these wise retirees claiming “they were losers who couldn’t capitalize on a winning lottery ticket” or something to that effect.

They often demand that nobody speak with ex-employees because no manager needs their reps knowing the truth.  This is the business of blaming others so who better to blame than those not there to defend themselves.

A Devil Corp sales office is a house of cards and once the seed of doubt is planted, it can spread like wildfire leaving an owner with no one to exploit.  Managers must convince their staff of there never being a legitimate reason to resign and that’s why everyone gets “fired”.  The company must appear to be infallible so Devil Corp is, has, and will never be at fault when dealing with those who turn their backs on this mockery of a corporation.

Granton Marketing


Whatever the offense, sin, or transgression, Devil Corp is never culpable.  They’ve compartmentalized the organization to such a degree that no matter what happens, they just blame their underlings, sever their connection with the company, then go find the next sucker.

Knowing that it takes reps a few months to perfect their pitch and be able to sell at will, and keeping in mind that the average lifespan of a “new guy” is about a week, Devil Corp bridged the disconnect by allowing its pawns to maximize profit by unknowingly lying to its customers.  They tell lies and half lies to their two day old sales force who go out and retell them with the enthusiasm that only new hires would bring to the job.  These fresh entities go to the field knowing how combat the most common objections with incorrect product knowledge that makes their offer seem spectacular.  Hardly any of them will be back next week so why not get what you can while they’re there?

When a rep is caught lying, an owner will act surprised then reprimand or fire the offending party for the benefit of the client before carrying on with business as usual.

When owners are exposed in the community, the parent company will put on a big song and dance, pretend that they’re astounded, then either move the office to a different program or cancel its contract altogether.  It’s a charade that should be wearing thin considering how often their managers are being exposed.

If by chance a parent company is uncovered, Devil Corp will usually just change names or create a new corporation and move its reps there.

Theirs is a system in which every ounce of blame is directed towards their subordinates and no matter what the problem, they just act as if they’re amazed and astonished, then point the finger at the people under them. 

Credico Australia


Devil Corp’s ultimate goal is to keep their reps in the field for hardly any pay, and keep them coming back until they’re so fatigued that they’re shadows of their former selves with no other option but to quit and stagger off like wounded war veterans.

One of their most common and reliable tricks is to dodge direct questions and it’s hoped that the few seconds spent evading a reps query will at the very least send them to the field for another day.  Just as they avoid the truth about their job in advertisements and the interview process, Devil Corp deliberately sidesteps its reps when confronted with facts that cannot be easily denied.  It doesn’t matter what is said or whether or not the rep is correct because they’ll just pretend that it never happened, or there was a misunderstanding, and as per usual, place the blame entirely on the person who dared question their rule.

Questions about short pay?  “Oh no, I didn’t say you’d be paid x amount for those sales, that’s for the next bonus level that you didn’t reach.”  Questions about time off?  “What?  I never said you could take a half day off to visit your sick aunt!  This is a business and we need you out there making it happen”. 

It’s all about promising the world and telling people exactly what they want to hear until the time comes to hold up their end of the bargain.  After that, it’s about avoidance and evasion just like Radovan Karadžić evaded the International Criminal Tribunal for over a decade.



In my time with this loathsome syndicate, I never met an owner, regional manager, or national consultant who didn’t change their business name at least once.  Some of these guys have name changes numbering in the double digits and that’s no surprise considering their parent company has changed names many times.

The Internet would have to be the worst thing that’s ever happened to these people.  We now live in an age where truth may be told and demons like those who run this contemptible business can be exposed.  There’s no legitimate reason for a company to keep changing its name, and the fact that they change names regularly speaks volumes about the dreadful nature of the business.  

Cobra Group


With the long hours, miserable paychecks, and total lack of respect shown by the business, isn’t it nice to know that form time to time, you’ll get to go out and blow off some steam?  If only that were the case.

Team nights are another way for Devil Corp to occupy time and keep focus on the company, and because reps are now socializing with colleagues, it’s hoped that eventually these new relationships will become the most important relationships in their lives making them turn their backs on old friends and family members who wouldn’t possibly understand this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Again, it’s about taking over someone’s entire life, so if they can control what they do and what they’re exposed to in their free time, Devil Corp has a better chance at making this co called profession of theirs a lifetime pursuit.

Credico, Cydcor, Smart Circle International, DS-MAX, Appco Group, Innovage,


Anyone who manages to buck the trend and last more than a week in the Devil Corp freak show, quickly begins to realize that it’s not what was promised as they become exposed to the dark underbelly of the organization.  Apart from the lies, theft, exploitation, humiliation, and manipulation, the powers that be like to instill a healthy sense of fear into their slaves ensuring compliance and most importantly silence once a burnt offering has had enough and runs from the company.

Like any other cult, those at the top must be seen to be all powerful, and although nothing could be further from the truth when it comes to this bunch of cowardly swine, their system does work on some which is why most owners seem to be the same carbon copy of one another.

Fortunately, anyone with character would know that fearing them is preposterous and I’d point to this site as an example because it’s been online for years and not one single soul in their entire institution has the balls contest it in a court of law so how fearsome can they be?  Apart for that, you’d be hard pressed to find a media outlet on the planet that hasn’t had something negative to say which may very well lead you to the conclusion that they’re less than honorable and not worthy of your respect let alone your fear.

From the inside though, and spending all your time immersed in the Devil Corp way of life, it might be hard for the weak of will to break through and come to the understanding that it’s just a funnel designed to suck every last bit of energy, time, and money away from the people who make the sales and into the pockets of those who don’t. 

Their entire establishment is built on lies, manipulation, and fear like the fear Sigourney Weaver must have felt when she was being chased around a spaceship by this thing.

Smart Circle DS-Max


Theirs is just about the worst job in the world because it’s cold calling sales with every hellacious mind trick being played on you for the duration of your stay at Devil Corp.  As part of their brainwashing program, they like to tell stories about people who’ve succeeded in the business in order to legitimize their con and make you believe that it will all be worth it in the end. 

“Look at Javier, he started with the company just last year not knowing one word of English and he’s already a millionaire”,  or “Jason used to work at Taco Bell but now he owns half of New York because he knocked on some doors selling AT&T U-verse”.  Ridiculous stories are being told about how much money can be made in such a short amount time all to make reps run to the field and sell so their owners can stay afloat while those at the top reap the rewards and laugh about how they’ve managed to get thousands of people all over the world to chase a dream that will never be achieved. 

They’re lies, just like the lie some people tell about Moshe Dayan being a hero when in fact he’s a war criminal for his involvement in atrocities like the Al-Dawayima massacre.

Moshe Dayan, larry Tenebaum, Avie Roth, Murray Reinhart, Michael Meryash, Judge Jay Bloom, Smart Circle International, DS-Max, Innovage, Cydcor, Credico, Appco Group, Granton Marketing,

Cydcor, Smart Circle, Credico, and Appco Group are all the same pyramid scheme and this is the site they dare not take to court.

Appco Group USA

CALIFORNIA STATE ASSEMBLY MEMBERS FROM SAN DIEGO COUNTY: Rocky Chavez 76th District, Marie Waldron 75th District, Randy Voepel 71st District, Brian Maienschein 77th District, Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher 80th District, Todd Gloria 78th District, Shirley Weber 79th District. CALIFORNIA STATE SENATE MEMBERS FROM SAN DIEGO COUNTY:  Pat Bates 36th District, Joel Anderson 38th District, Toni G. Atkins 39th District, Ben Hueso 40th.  SPECIAL GUESTS:  Bonnie Dumanis and  Austin Marshall.  Smart Circle International, Appco Group, Credico Marketing, Cydcor, Cobra Group of Companies, Optimo International, Granton Marketing, Socio Max, PerDM, mentiras, 謊, kecurian, kradzież, roubo, โจรกรรม, झूठ, 嘘, الأكاذيب, kebohongan, kłamstwa, вранье, चोरी होना, ستغلال, eksploatacja, kult, cultus, kulto, culte, culto, カルト, kultus, культ, دعوى قضائية , 诉讼 訴訟 , rechtszaak, procès, Klage, मुकदमा, 訴訟, 소송, tuntutan mahkamah, pozew sądowy, ação judicial, судебный процесс, คดีความ, AT&T. Capital Growth South Africa, The Unlimited, Brand Ambassador